Parenting is not something you know by birth. It is a subject you learn practically while experiencing parenthood. Oftentimes when you see other parents, you may wonder how your kids will be and how will you treat them? However, every child is different. You may want your kids to be an extrovert but they perhaps find comfort in their own space. Understanding your child’s personality is crucial for parents to help them grow as better people in society.
As we already said that every child is different, there are some characteristics of each child that help parents to know more about their personality. Usually, parents can observe their child’s characteristics in their early 6-9 months but the personality traits can be seen when they become toddlers.
One can be judged based on its temperaments, intensity of response, activity level, patience, and social interaction. Usually, there is no major contribution of parents in the development of these personality traits. As parents, you can learn the ways to handle your kid’s personality and modify it a bit but you may not be able to transform it.
There are two kinds of kids. One, who expresses happiness, sorrow, success, or failure everything to everyone by shouting out loud. Such kids do not really know how to hide things. Also, these kids are good at expressing their feelings.
On the reverse side, kids may find it difficult to share their thoughts and feelings. Parents of such kids face difficulties knowing their kid’s views. They tend to stay and they sleep more often or for longer times.
Although many people say that a person becomes patient with time. We believe that it is also a personality trait that kids develop at an early age.
A kid that faces challenges and stays patient to get the desired result until he/she does not get it, seems to be patient. On the reverse side, if the kid may give up, start crying and get distracted too by other things easily. Such kids are not the patient ones.
Not every child loves to go out of their comfort to get the desired things. This characteristic could be observed quite early when a kid starts crawling.
If a baby crawls all the way to get what they need, probably they are active and will stay enthusiastic in life to get things they need. On the contrary, some kids may just want to sit back and relax until the desired thing does not come to them. They like to stay in their comfort zone only.
When your child enjoys meeting new people, having fun in social gatherings, that means the child has an extrovert personality and they like to jell up with people. On the reverse side, if the kid looks cranky and doesn’t feel comfortable and safe. Moreover, they take time to trust other people. He/she perhaps develop an introverted personality.
Parenting is a job where we learn something new every day. Sometimes about the kid or sometimes for them. Understanding your child’s personality types is easy if you observe them all the time. However, make sure you do not force them to develop a persona you want them to have. Every child is different so treat them the way they are. No one is right or wrong. They are just trying to figure out what they like. Just make sure they do not develop a negative attitude towards people around them. Rest, everything is just upon acceptability.