In today’s world, intermittent fasting arises as the new trend in the health and fitness world. Many people are depending on it to reduce their body weight, improve their health status and maintain their lifestyle. According to many pieces of research, it has been proved that intermittent fasting is accountable for powerful effects on the body and brain functioning.
Through this article, we try to make you understand it and other aspects related to it.
It is a kind of eating pattern that revolves around periods of fasting and eating. It mainly focuses on the time in which you can have your meal rather than the kind of food item.
Moreover, it is not a diet pattern in the conventional sense, however, there is more emphasis on the eating patterns. Some common methods consist of 16-hour fasting or 24-hours, or even twice per week.
It has been observed that fasting is interrelated with human beings from the time of human evolution. In ancient times, due to no availability of supermarkets, refrigerators, or food as well, hunter-gatherers used to go with the pathway of fasting only. Due to these fastings, human beings become able to function properly without food for a duration of time.
In fact, in many cases, fasting is natural from time to time instead of eating 3-4 meals per day. Fasting is also done due to religious or spiritualistic reasons, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism.
16 Hours Of Fasting And Eating For 8 Hours: It is mainly acquired by the people. It is 16:8 that intermittent fasting works for most people.
Five Days Of Normal Eating And Then Reducing Calories In The Next Two Days: This method of intermittent fasting is drastic for a week in which 2 days are without consuming food.
Fasting For 20 Hours, And Eating Within 4 Hours: It is an aggressive kind of intermittent fasting. One can incorporate this pattern to their diet, however you can shift your method from one to another if things are not going well.
Complete 24-Hour Fasting And Then Back To Normal Fasting: It is also considered an extreme form of intermittent fasting as this pattern does not involve any consumption of food for 24 hours and then you can go back to your regular eating habits.
Those people who incorporate intermittent fasting into their diet habits due to certain medical weight loss reasons tend to experience a lot of benefits from it. Those benefits are ranging from weight loss to improved functioning of the brain and cardiovascular.
Yes, it is not a diet at all. It is an eating pattern. Though it is used to support people in reducing their weight loss, it is generally used to change the times when you have to diet and not focus on what you eat. But the ratio of weight loss will depend upon your age, sex, and overall intake of calories and it also needs regular and healthy eating habits. Any good weight loss instructor and intermittent fasting will help you in achieving a body weight as per your preference and balancing your lifestyle that is sustainable.
While fasting, your body tends to utilize insulin more effectively and enhances the process of borrowing glucose from your blood. However, this particular method is more beneficial for those people who are struggling with high blood sugar levels. Any good weight loss instructor supports you in identifying the health benefits associated with intermittent fasting and reduces the risk of vulnerability.
When you accommodate fasting in your eating patterns, your body intends to focus on other important regenerative systems. Furthermore, your body is able to remove toxins and regulate the organ system’s functionality. Due to this liver and kidney work becomes more efficient and helps you to feel good about your skin.
It increases the level of production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein (BDNF) that will support your neural health. Those effective proteins protect your brain cells from neurological changes which are generally interlinked with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It is the best way towards the safest and healthiest lifestyle.
According to many studies, different types of intermittent fasting, for example, the warrior diet led to a reduction in blood pressure, increased sensitivity to insulin, increased heart rate variability, and also reduced levels of cholesterol in the body. All these benefits combined work together and lowers the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases and also protects your heart.
Therefore, it improves the health status of your body along with other benefits. It also supports proper functioning of other vital organs of the body including heart, liver, kidney, etc. One who is incorporating intermittent fasting should consult with a health instructor as well and can use any method of intermittent fasting. Moreover, adopting intermittent fasting is rising day-by-day.