Want to guest post on our website? We welcome guest authors, please follow the guidelines before contacting us for guest posting. Your article will go through our pre-screening procedure. If it meets our following guidelines, we will publish it:
Topic of the Article: Topic should be related to our website niche and current published content only.
Title & Summary: Title should be 60 characters minimum with 150 character summary.
Content: Any content that associated with Adult, Gambling, CBD and Pharma will be declined. No irrelevant, affiliate links and no link back to low-quality/spam sites/pages will be considered. Posts that have been published elsewhere/duplicated/poorly written will not be considered.
The Content of the article must be original and should not be promotional. It should include some valuable information for users. 100% Unique, well written with good grammar and spelling Content will be accepted.
Length of the Article: Content length should be at least 800-1000 words minimum.
Keywords: The article does not contain keyword clouds.
Links: We reserve the right to delete excessive back links. However, you are allowed to link to your own content that should be in the last paragraph. Maximum 1-2 link back (dofollow) to your website. We are not accepting any content which is promotional and include random links to business websites.
Images: Articles should be with relevant and unique images.
Editorial: We reserve full review and critique control. If required, our Team will make some minor and needful edits to your article.
We need minimum 5-7 business days to publish your content.
Please send email to info@lifestylebyte.com with subject Submission for a Guest Post