hydrogenated water is the next big thing but is it hype or is it the real deal?

Hydrogenated water is the next big thing but is it hype or is it the real deal?

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We all know that water already contains hydrogen, however hydrogenated water is water infused with added hydrogen, this does not change the taste but does have some added benefits although the research is still quite limited. Hydrogenated water makes the hydrogen more accessible to the cells and then it also begins to act as an antioxidant. There are huge companies such as Optimal Hydration investing huge amounts to make hydrogen water more accessible to the UK. So, let’s delve into what claimed benefits are and how to make your own hydrogen water.

How to make hydrogen water

If you are interested in hydrogen water and want to know how to make hydrogen water then luckily there are a few different options for you.

The easiest way to make hydrogen water is by adding hydrogen tablets to normal water. You can expect to pay about £30 for a pack of 30 tablets. These are easy to use and can be very easily added to water which you can take with you on your workout for benefits to your performance.

A more expensive but efficient way to get hydrogen water is by buying a reverse osmosis system. These can produce hydrogen water with the press of a button, very fast and can often come with the ability to produce boiling hot water immediately. However, for a system such as one of these you can expect to pay close to £1000, but over time they are very much worth it.

Hydrogen water information

Hydrogen water does not change the key nutritional aspects compared to water:

  • Calories: 0
  • Carbs: 0
  • Protein: 0
  • Fats: 0

However, the vitamins and mineral content may change due to what people who make hydrogenated water put in it and where the water is sourced from (1). Some of the added vitamins and minerals that hydrogen water may have include:

  • VitaminA
  • VitaminE
  • Calciumcarbonate
  • Magnesiumsulfate
  • Potassium
  • Sodiumsulfate

All of these vitamins have their own benefits to your health.

What are the benefits of hydrogen water

Many experts in the field believe that hydrogen water has a lot of benefits for your health. Whereas, some believe that the benefits of water as a whole are great just because you are staying hydrated.

Improves athletic performance

Hydrogen water can improve recovery times between workouts, this allows athletes to work harder and adapt better from the workouts. Recovery is really important for athletes to be able to stay on the top of their game.

Other ways in which athletic performance is boosted from supplementing with hydrogen water is reducing fatigue, reduced inflammation, enhanced endurance and increased energy.

If you are a runner and want to know how hydrogen water can benefit your performance and how to make hydrogen water then check out this blog from ‘GeorgeLewisHealth’: Why You Need Hydrogen Water Tablets For Your Next Marathon.

Improving mental health

Studies have found a reduced amount of anxiety in participants who were supplemented in hydrogen water in comparison to the placebo. Hydrogen water has also been shown to improve mood and also reduce the symptoms of panic disorder among women.

Preventing diseases

Hydrogen water may also act as an antioxidant, antioxidants protect our bodies cells from free radicals and also repair the damage that free radicals can do to our cells- this means we are more immune to diseases.

Also, because hydrogen water acts as an anti-inflammatory, this reduces our risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and neurodegenerative conditions.

Helps with the side-effects of radiation therapy

There was a study done on a group of 49 people who had liver cancer and were told to supplement with hydrogen water. The study found that the participants’ quality of life had improved in regards to the symptoms of radiation therapy. The symptoms include;

  • Fatigue
  • Hairloss
  • Skinproblems
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Sorenessin the area treated

All the participants who supplemented with hydrogen water had better quality of life scores compared to the group who were given a placebo.

Contains anti-cancer properties

Hydrogen water has been shown to have some anti-cancer properties, however more research is needed to confirm how much hydrogen water is actually beneficial as a cancer treatment.

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