foods that will improve your memory

Foods that Will Improve Your Memory

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Every student who takes up civil engineering in a university in Manila has personal routines which will help them improve their study habits. Studying can definitely be difficult at times because our brain’s memory can sometimes deceive us, making us forget what we just reviewed! Help yourself by eating these foods that will help improve your memory.


Dark chocolate

If you prefer to have chocolate that’s not too sweet and bitter at some point, dark chocolate is the one you need. Not only is this treat delightfully good, it contains numerous flavonols, meaning they have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which lower blood pressure and develop blood flow to the heart and brain. It can even help loose body weight!



It has been proven how most nuts can improve memorization due to its components of high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However walnut, if taken every day at a minimal amount, can improve one’s cognitive health. The vitamin E in this nut can even lessen the chance of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease as well.


Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil contains a strong antioxidant, polyphenols, which develops the memory and learning of the person. It’s not recommended to use for cooking purposes because it decreases the overall quality of oil. Just mix it up with salads, pasta, or meals.



The herb is a popular ingredient among various meals. Rosemary has carnosic acid which lessens possibility of acquiring neurodegeneration or the death of neurons in the brain, possible to lead to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. To add to this, rosemary can even protect eyesight from deteriorating too. Add up this herb to your food or you can buy the herb and sniff it whenever possible to boost your brain!



Acai berries, blueberries, and strawberries are said to prevent age-related cognitive issues to the brain and eliminates the chances of toxic proteins as well. They are also rich in fiber can aid the body become cleansed from unwanted fats or toxins. Mix up your diet by eating healthy fruits because of the great effects they offer for the body and the brain.



Grab all the yummy salmon sashimi that you can because salmon increases the memory of the brain! Salmon has omega-3 fatty acids to provide a smooth-flowing brain. Studies have shown that it can definitely improve the focus of a person and can even prevent tumors and cancer.


Red wine

Ah, wine lovers rejoice! People who drink moderate quantities of red wine can lessen the chance of memory loss. Red wine taken at a glass every night can reduce chances of heart risks and improve the metabolism, causing you to lose few fats! It’s a great drink to have, so buy as much as possible and drink a glass each day.

If you have an exam or quiz coming up soon, feast on these delectable treats whenever you can to help you improve your memory. There will be a huge chance that you remember everything you studied and reviewed once you constantly munch or drink a couple of these memory enhancing foods.

About the author:

Jeric is a freelance writer that features food, lifestyle, travel, DIY subjects, and nature. He is an adventurer, taking on the world and everything it has to offer, may it be the good and the bad. He also has a weird love for reggae and sharks. See: Reggae Shark

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