effective home remedies to stay healthy

Effective Home Remedies To Stay Healthy

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Nowadays, everybody wants to get fit and healthy but there are few people who actually takes it seriously to do anything for the purpose. People are too lazy to do anything; all they want is spoon-feeding and want to get cure at their door steps. For all that lazy ones, the secret to become fit and healthy is in your kitchen. Yes, one can get fine body and healthy mind by some home remedies.

Improve your Health Condition with the following Home Remedies

In our kitchen there are many ingredients which can help you to become stronger from inside. Following are some of the uses of those great ingredients:

  • Indian Gooseberry: This fruit is a boon to mankind. It has healing and curing powers that will keep your body safe from every kind of infections. This food provides nutrients that nourish the body and make it stronger from inside. Indian Gooseberry is rich in vitamin C and also acts as antioxidant that boosts our immunity.
  • Required Dose- One tea spoon of powdered Indian gooseberry every morning will keep your body away from diseases.

  • Almonds: These nuts are into existence since mankind. In spite being delicious almonds are also very healthy and serves multiple benefits to human body. It contains nutrients that boosts the functioning of brain and also helps in the formation of new blood cells that keep the bones in good condition.
  • Required Dose- Take fine grinded paste of almonds with a glass of milk, it will sharpen your memory and eyesight.

  • Aloe Vera: It is a plant that has infinite healing and curing powers against many diseases. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory antifungal and antiseptic in nature. Aloe also has calming, soothing and cleansing properties.
  • Required Dose- Chew the gel of Aloe Vera on an empty stomach every morning and you will get rid of all the digestion problems.

  • Orange Juice: Orange has essential minerals and vitamins that keeps cholesterol in control, flush out all the toxins and improves our immunity system. It makes our skin glow, smooth and fresh.
  • Required Dose- One glass of orange juice daily will keep you fit and healthy and also disease-free.

  • Walnuts: Walnuts have anti-aging properties and rich in omega 3 fatty acids and helps in smooth functioning of the brain. It helps to remove all the toxins from our body and keeps us away from the diseases.
  • Required Dose- Five walnuts everyday is enough for a healthy body, mind and soul.

  • Turmeric: It is a healing herb with antioxidants that improves our daily life. It has been proven scientifically that turmeric has antiviral properties that can keep you away from dangerous disease like hepatitis B and C. Even if you are injured than applying turmeric powder will heal your wound more quickly.
  • Required Dose- The easiest way to consume turmeric is by adding it in a glass of hot milk. It is the most effective way to take turmeric.

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